natourlicht Texte (englisch)

Dissertation: Feel your Tone, Be your Tone and Sound in

Resonance – A Symphony of the Relationship with the World, 2022

The crisis we face is a crisis of our relationship to life and death – to the world, a crisis of our values and the stories we base our society on and a crisis of multispecies responseability (a term coined by Haraway). The world is silencing. The Heart and the Mind are deadening. The Earth dementia is spreading. Based on the work of different authors this dissertation examines if and why this is the case. Grounded in Hartmut Rosa's resonance theory, his sociology of our relationship to the world, where resonance is defined as a strictly relational term to describe qualities of relationships, I access with a literary work how we, the late modern subjects, relate and resonate to the world.

Chapter 7 in Environmental Ethics, An Overview for the Twenty-First Century

Review of 'The Ethics of Climate Change' by Robin Attfield, 2018

'The Ethics of Climate Change' is the seventh and last chapter of the book Environmental Ethics, An Overview for the Twenty-First Century by Attfield Robin. The book got fully revised and completed with this new chapter in 2014.

After background information about the author of this chapter, we plunge in this essay into some highlighted content of 'The Ethics of Climate Change' and try to crystallise the main challenges to find the next step forward. This review ends in the conclusion, where some strengths and weaknesses of this chapter get illuminated.

Essay Module Myth and Ecology, 2017

Wedding the Wild

In this essay I explore the meaning and deeper sense of ‘wedding the wild’. Before I explore two examples of wedding the wild, I examine in the essay the notion of the wild (and the wedding). To wed someone signifies that you commit to a common path, you engage yourself in loyalty to each other. Davis quotes in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, Volume 2 (by Taylor 2008) that "wild places are those not under our control and not subject to our wills, walls, or arbitrary boundaries." 
I conclude my essay with my findings: To be wedded to the wild means to bear chaos, the notion of not being in control and surrendering to death. It demands to let go again and again. Through letting go we express our commitment to life and our true love (Shaw, M. in Kornevall, 2017). Wedding the wild means that sacred and profane become one. To wed the wild is to worship our ancestors.

Art-piece Module Myth and Ecology, 2017

Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo. My Sense of Alchemical Gold

The first piece of art is a performance documented by photographs: NIGREDO, ALBEDO, RUBEDO - CITRINITAS: BE-HOLDING THE PARADOX. e-mergence of the opposites.


The second is a